A Life Of Service
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” -Mahatma Gandhi A life that is meant for service is a life filled with riches, from the service in the Military, the service in barbering, and through the service of one’s family. Thomas Lipovsky lived life to serve others, without …

TRUE GIVING HAPPENS WHEN WE GIVE FROM OUR HEARTS. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting others, in the world today giving to others without cameras, newspapers, or without any recognition just is not worth doing now of days. Some people in this world are just born to not …

Our Anniversary Issue Is Here!
Our newly designed anniversary issue is here! Head on over to our shop and pick up your copy today!

Maestro’s Classic 4th annual barber appreciation night
Appreciation (noun) recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something is the description of the word appreciation but when putting it into its verbal state by showing that very same appreciation has gone above and beyond the term, when coming to the barber appreciation night hosted by maestro’s classic and the Philadelphia …

The Line Up Magazine Issue 5 Is Here!
Our new issue is here! Head on over to our shop and pick up your copy today!

The Berks county barber battle 4 was in rare form February 24th 2019 in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania at the beautiful Crown Plaza hotel where the berks county barber battle held its 4th event this time adding a huge twist by adding the battle of da brushes where make-up artists had their chance in the limelight to …

Priscilla Torres “PASSION AND GROWTH”
“CATCH ON FIRE IF YOU MUST, SOMETIMES EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BURN TO THE GROUND SO WE MAY GROW” -A.J LAWLESS The art of braiding hair has been around for decades upon decades with so many mastering the craft celebrities like Snoop Dogg and athletes like Allen Iverson had taken the hairstyle and made them bigger …