Grow-A-Pair Cut-A-Thon
Modern Male Barbershop (@modernmalebarbershop @nickythebarba) September 9th of 2017 in Perkasie, Pennsylvania at The Modern Male Barbershop was an event to spread awareness of the dangers of men’s cancer, barbers and apprentice’s from it’s 3 separate locations gathered together to form a unit serving the community haircuts with all the proceeds going to the Grow-A-Pair …

The Barbering Is Life Expo 2017
The event was called The Barbering Is Life Expo. The host was Tone Cutz. The Place was the Fillmore in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this may not be the most exciting intro to a story about a great barber expo so we at the line up barber magazine will start over. Ladies and gentlemen of all ages!!!! …

Clipper culture clothing: From the dream to reality
We sat down with the industries top barbering clothing apparel, Clipper Culture Clothing from Bethlehem,Pa and spoke about his dream that was brought to reality with his clothing line. His ideas are fresh and always on point with today trends and culture. It is truly one of the best for its concepts and design. So …