
A Life Of Service
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” -Mahatma Gandhi A life that is meant for service is a life filled with riches, from the service in the Military, the service in barbering, and through the service of one’s family. Thomas Lipovsky lived life to serve others, without …

Our Anniversary Issue Is Here!
Our newly designed anniversary issue is here! Head on over to our shop and pick up your copy today!

The Line Up Magazine Issue 5 Is Here!
Our new issue is here! Head on over to our shop and pick up your copy today!

The Line Up Barber Magazine Issue 4 Is Here!
Our new issue is here! Head on over to our shop and pick up your copy today!

The Line Up barber Magazine Issue 3 Is Here!
Our new issue is here! Head on over to our shop and pick up your copy now!

Grow-A-Pair Cut-A-Thon
Modern Male Barbershop (@modernmalebarbershop @nickythebarba) September 9th of 2017 in Perkasie, Pennsylvania at The Modern Male Barbershop was an event to spread awareness of the dangers of men’s cancer, barbers and apprentice’s from it’s 3 separate locations gathered together to form a unit serving the community haircuts with all the proceeds going to the Grow-A-Pair …