
Priscilla Torres “PASSION AND GROWTH”
“CATCH ON FIRE IF YOU MUST, SOMETIMES EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BURN TO THE GROUND SO WE MAY GROW” -A.J LAWLESS The art of braiding hair has been around for decades upon decades with so many mastering the craft celebrities like Snoop Dogg and athletes like Allen Iverson had taken the hairstyle and made them bigger …

Angela Sciumbata “I ALWAYS KNEW”
“AN ESSENTIAL ASPECT OF CREATIVITY IS NOT BEING AFRAID TO FAIL.” In every little girl’s life there will come a day filled with dreams, wishes and fantasies, for some it is a fairy tale life and for others it is a life that has a road paved for themselves filled with aspirations and drive. In …

Natalie Rodriguez: A Positive Spin
Positivity you know like the glass is half full… optimism life’s greatest gift some people are born with it while others are still searching for it… remaining positive in today’s world is a challenge not many are up for. In the case of Natalie Rodriguez staying positive is religion and peace is the most important …

Theresa Violette: My Dream Come True
There are artists that have stood the test of time. Some of their work has been hanging in the greatest museums around the world for us to enjoy. Then there is Theresa Violette, The Line Up Barber Magazine’s own artist, who has blessed many with facial transformations through the art of makeup. She is an …

Kayla Distasio: The Wizard Of Color
There are color specialist and then there is the hair wizard Kayla Distasio, who has taken coloring hair to a level unmatched by many. We sat with Kayla and heard her story and we are proud to have made a friend in Kayla, she is definitely one to keep our eyes out for. Passion was …

Vanezza Urueta: Full circle
Master stylist just isn’t a word thrown around to just anyone but in the case of Vanezza Urueta, master stylist doesn’t even begin to best describe this unbelievable talented hairstylist. We sat with Vanezza to hear her story. Where do I begin when drawing my circle? Ok, I guess we’ll start from the beginning… An …