Grow-A-Pair Cut-A-Thon

Modern Male Barbershop (@modernmalebarbershop @nickythebarba)

September 9th of 2017 in Perkasie, Pennsylvania at The Modern Male Barbershop was an event to spread awareness of the dangers of men’s cancer, barbers and apprentice’s from
it’s 3 separate locations gathered together to form a unit serving the community haircuts with all the proceeds going to the Grow-A-Pair Foundation to then be donated to The Grandview
Health Hospital Foundation to help gentlemen who are in need of transportation services to get their cancer treatments. We at The Line Up Barber Magazine were in attendance to witness
this great selfless act by these great group of barbers “It is truly a humbling and great experience to be able to give back by doing the one thing we love and that is cutting hair” said Vinnie Prosseda of Modern Male . Clients, Family and Friends came out to show support and recieve services by the barbers. With food donated from surrounding businesses and a music by Dutch’s Basement Blues Band everyone in attendance were not only entertained but were doing a great deed by participating in today’s event.

“We appreciate everyone that has helped us grow with our barbershops to our cut-a-thon that we need to give back it is something as humans we should do more of and this was that one
thing that hit home for me so giving towards cancer research for men was the main focus having lost my father to cancer i felt in my heart it is the right thing to do” said Nicky Prosseda/
Owner of Modern Male Barbershop. Seeing the smiles of people receiving haircuts and donating without hesitation or any kind of thought process they just gave was a heart warming act
to witness. Imagining barbershops throughout the state of Pennsylvania following suit and working along with the Grow-A-Pair Foundation to set a day aside and cut hair then donation
the earnings towards this wonderful cause the number reached would be astonishing.

When we got a chance to speak with the Grow-A-Pair president Nicky Prosseda we asked that with this being his 5th year how much has it grown? in response Nicky replied “We have grown
a lot the first few years we raised a few grand and last year about 7 grand this years we look to surpass 10 grand” with the help of the many at the barbershop we don’t see how they don’t surpass
the goal set. We are truly proud of the Modern Male crew for what they’ve accomplished and continue to work for accepting donations throughout the year. “This just isn’t a once a year thing for us
this is about our lives so we live this everyday and give” replied Nicky after being asked if this was the only way to donate towards the cause.

Grow-A-Pair Mission
Grow-A-Pair was organized by gentlemen barberstop help raise awareness and spread the word about men’s health.
issues such as male prostate and testicular cancer. We encourage men to get regular health checkups.

Grow-A-Pair Foundation are always accepting donations from anyone willing to give they can reached at:
Modern Male barbershop (Sellersville) : 215.257.5113
Modern Male barbershop (Perkasie): 215.859.7049
Modern Male barberhop (Souderton): 215.517.2975

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